Monday, September 10, 2007

Now that I'm finished the 23 Things I'm glad that I did it. There are so many things available on the internet that I didn't know about; there was also a lot of vocabulary that I wasn't familiar with either. Sometimes it was hard to get time to work on the 23 Things--and then after not doing anything for several days it was difficult to want to get back to it. There were some things that seem very useful and a lot that I just don't see the point of.

I listened to the Introduction to NetLibrary and looked at some of the lists on Project Gutenberg. Listenting to books on cd or atc is not something I usually do so I probably would not download e-books.

I learned that a podcast is a non-musical video. I looked at Yahoo!Podcasts and Merlin poscasting and how some libraries are using it, i.e. booktalks, book synopsis and stories for kids.

I've looked at YouTube. Some people have entirely too much time on their hands.

I looked at Yahoo.answers, and Farecast from the Web 2.0 list. They all seemed to be user friendly and provide a lot of info.

I looked at Google docs. Having the online web-based applications without the need for desktop applications would simplify things. Being able to access documents from any computer would be great.

I've learned what a wiki is. I can see where it's a great tool for collaborating on projects and sharing information. In fact, while watching Jeopardy recently one catagory was things on the internet. I knew the answers from doing 23 Things! Answers included wiki, RSS and avatar. I probably won't use a lot of these tools, however there is definitely a benefit to being exposed to what's available.

Accessed the Maryland Libraries Sandbox, created a login and added my blog. I must have been overcomplicating things at first because it took a few tries to add the blog.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

I catalogued a few of my favorite books and that was easy enough. LibraryThing could be a useful tool for keeping track of what one reads and connecting with those with similar tastes in reading.